Here is my calculation of the KPR at the end of August, deciding the final 10 male and 7 female slots (in addition to the July slots). You’ll always find all Kona Pros in my “Always Up-to-date Kona 2017 Startlist“.
My results are unofficial, the official results will be posted on the Ironman website at (but as far as I can tell will show the same data).
There is still going to be some time before all slots have been accepted or maybe rolled down to the next athletes. Athletes with rankings shown in brackets (such as “(11)”) are out of the slot positions and have to hope for a rolldown slot. For now there is some speculation whether Marino Vanhoenacker and Chris McDonald would accept their slots.
Once the field has been finalized, I will work on this year’s version of the Kona Rating Report, looking at the field and each athlete’s chances for a good result. The free report will be released in time before the Kona race, you can already pre-order your copy.
Male KPR Rankings
Rank | Name | Points |
DECL | Vanhoenacker, Marino | 4.555 |
1 | Weiss, Michael | 4.430 |
2 | Wiltshire, Harry | 3.765 |
3 | Wurf, Cameron | 3.485 |
4 | Fachbach, Markus | 3.400 |
5 | Molinari, Giulio | 3.395 |
6 | Chevrot, Denis | 3.390 |
7 | Fox, Michael | 3.355 |
8 | Tohara, Kaito | 3.330 |
9 | López Diaz, Carlos | 3.175 |
10 | McDonald, Chris | 3.048 |
(11) | Llanos, Eneko | 2.975 |
(12) | Croneborg, Fredrik | 2.820 |
Update Aug 22nd: All Top 10 males except for Marino have accepted their slots.
Update Aug 26th: Marino has declined his slot, and Chris McDonald accepted the rolldown. This means that all August slots have been decided.
Female KPR Rankings
Rank | Athlete | Points |
1 | Joyce, Rachel | 5.880 |
2 | Moeller, Kristin | 5.120 |
3 | McCauley, Jocelyn | 4.415 |
4 | Holst, Tine | 4.295 |
Decl | Kessler, Meredith | 4.265 |
5 | Chura, Haley | 4.180 |
6 | Bartlett, Nikki | 4.055 |
7 | Collonge, Jeanne | 3.910 |
(8) | Wutti, Eva | 3.820 |
(9) | Mack, Danielle | 3.820 |
Nominally, Meredith Kessler would receive a slot but she’s pregnant and so is extremely likely to decline. I assume she will still be asked (and the rolldown procedure to take a while), but Jeanne Collonge should receive a rolldown slot. (Update Aug 21st: Jeanne has posted on her Facebook page that she has received an invitation.) In case more slots roll down, Eva Wutti would be the next in line, she has the better tie-breaking score than Danielle Mack who has the same number of points.
Update Aug 22nd: All slots on the female side have settled. As expected Meredith declined, and all slots (including Jeanne’s) have been accepted.