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IM Germany

Female Podium at IM Frankfurt

A lot has been written about IM Germany at Frankfurt: Anne Haug not racing with an injury, the Frodo vs. Sebi duel, Patrick’s sub-standard day, or Sarah True being forced to abandon almost in sight of the finish line. Some of these stories have been continued right after Frankfurt, some are analyzed as precursors for Kona, and most will get a new chapter in Kona. But a few weeks after Frankfurt (and my nice vacation right after Frankfurt), I feel that a closer look at the athletes who finished on the female podium is still missing. So without wanting to take away from the other athletes and their often still developing stories, here are more details about the female podium in Frankfurt!

First, here’s a table with the results of the athletes mentioned in is post:

Rank Name Nation Swim Bike Run Time Diff to exp. Prize Money
1 Skye Moench USA 00:57:32 04:58:39 03:14:01 09:15:31 -31:34 US$ 30,000
2 Imogen Simmonds SUI 00:52:42 05:03:30 03:24:38 09:26:01 n/a US$ 15,000
3 Jen Annett CAN 00:59:26 05:12:28 03:19:07 09:36:25 -03:45 US$ 8,000
4 Amelia Watkinson NZL 00:52:41 05:14:49 03:36:11 09:49:32 n/a US$ 6,500
Sarah True USA 00:52:40 05:03:42 DNF
Daniela Bleymehl GER 00:57:48 04:59:00 DNF
Kimberley Morrison GBR 00:57:37 06:42:29 DNF

In addition, here is the race development graph showing who was in the lead and who was how far back:

FRA WPRO RaceDevelopment

Before the Race

The women who ended up on the podium at the Ironman European Championships in Frankfurt were lining up with different expectations.

Jen Annett was the only one who was invited to the pre-race press conference on Thursday. She was excited to race in Frankfurt: “I have never traveled outside of North America, so this is a huge new experience for me. There were a few reasons why I chose Ironman Frankfurt this year. Timing, more Kona spots, more opportunity to travel this year, and I’ve been told that racing in Europe is an amazing experience. Going into this race, I was nervous and worried. Not because of the race itself, but a heatwave had come through Europe and the forecasted temp for race day was 39 C. I have NEVER had a good race in extreme heat, and they usually end with me puking my way through the run. I have been working on my hydration and nutrition very closely since last year, trying to figure out patterns and causes for things. It is inevitable that heat will affect everyone, and I really felt that race day was going to come down to the one that could handle the heat the best.”

Jen PressEvent

Skye Moench had raced in Frankfurt the year before, finishing in seventh place. Since then she had finished second at IM Switzerland and was able to post a sub-9 finish for a fourth place at IM Arizona. She had trained well in leading into the 2019 season and was eager to find out where she was at: “I never expect anything from a race, and given it was my first Ironman of the year, and at the peak of the European heatwave, I wasn’t sure how things would play out! I do expect a lot from myself, and I could tell from how training was feeling, and how my few 70.3 races before Frankfurt went, that I was feeling good and prepared for a solid Ironman. I have been steadily improving under Cam, so I was excited to see what I could produce in Frankfurt.”

While Skye and Jen were thinking about Kona qualifying on a good day, Imogen Simmonds didn’t really know what to expect from Frankfurt: She was just getting ready for her debut on the long distance. Coming off a dominating win at 70.3 Luxembourg she was clearly someone to watch, but there is a long list of promising rookies who never managed to replicate their 70.3 successes.


As was expected before the race, the small female field was quickly strung out. At the front of the race it was Sarah True who was setting the pace, but Imo and another “Iron-rookie”, Amelia Watkinson, were able to stay on Sarah’s feet. They started to build a solid lead: At the Australian Exit after 1.8k they were already two minutes ahead of the next group with Daniela Bleymehl, Kim Morrison and Skye. Jen was working to stay with them but had already lost 24 seconds to them.

The groups stayed together but the gaps between them got larger until the end of the swim: Sarah was first out of the water, closely followed by Amelia and Imo. Skye, Kim and Dani started the bike five minutes back and clearly had their work cut out for them. Skye says, “I had a terrible start. I spent most of the first part of the swim just catching up to Daniela and Kim. I then took the lead of our little group after we dove back in after the Australian exit. I didn’t know if they were on my feet or not, but I was just focused on putting out my best swim performance since I knew I was not with the front ladies and likely behind where I wanted to be.”

Jen was another two minutes back and started the bike in tenth place. “The swim start was a beach start, which is usually pretty disastrous for me. However, this start went well, and I found some feet right away. The field here was a little stronger in the swim, and I knew I was one of the slowest in the field. My goal was not to be last out of the water, so I really needed to hang onto those feet. I was able to do this until the last km, where I got separated from the group on one of the turns. I still had a 59-minute swim which was nothing to complain about in my books!”


The pace in the early part of the bike was clearly set by Imo. Sarah decided right away not to stick with her – Imo put more than a minute and a half into her in the first 20k, and after 30k Amelia also stopped to match Imo’s pace.

Imo Lap1 Bike

Imo continued to extend her lead for the first bike loop, and by 90k she was seven minutes ahead of her next competitors. “I just get too excited when I’m on my bike .. thought it was a 70.3 and maybe I went out a little too hard, and then remembered that I still had another loop and a marathon to run.”

While Imo was riding alone at the front, a bigger group had formed behind her: Sarah and Amelia had fallen back to Dani, Kim and Skye and the five of them were riding together. Skye felt good in the first loop: “Dani was definitely setting the pace. I have never raced with Dani or Kim before, but I knew they were both strong riders, so trusted that we were keeping a respectable pace.” After 80k, Kim fell back – just after moving to the front of the group she caught a flat on her front wheel that she wasn’t able to fix with the pit stop she was carrying. She continued her race after waiting 90 minutes for tech support but then dropped out after the end of the bike to save her legs for the next race.

Jen is usually one of the strongest females on the bike, but instead of making up time she was losing more and more ground to the front. By the end of the first lap, she was more than 17 minutes behind Imo and more than ten minutes behind the chase group. “I was having one of those days where I just didn’t feel comfortable on my bike right from the beginning. Maybe I was stressed about the heat, but I just couldn’t relax. My back seized up by 80km and my legs were burning. The longer I rode, the worse it got and the lower my power was. I even had to stop and stretch on the side of the road so I could continue. I honestly thought about dropping out as I really didn’t see how I was going to be able to run well with how my legs felt.”

Gaps started to appear in the chase group at the start of the second loop when Skye felt they needed to push harder: “I started to feel like we weren’t catching Imo fast enough and that the effort wasn’t hard enough, so not too far into the second loop I rode up to the front and no one came with me! I didn’t necessarily plan to break away, but I was riding solo for a while. Eventually Sarah made her way back up to me, and I led the charge to T2 and catching Imo.” By 120k the gap was down to five minutes, at 150k just three minutes remained, and coming back into Frankfurt Skye and Sarah were able to ride up to Imo. “When we finally caught Imo I was really starting to feel the heat. My head was very hot in my helmet and my back was hot as well. I was starting to feel a bit foggy in the head from the heat and was telling myself to focus, so I knew I had to cool off as much as possible at the next aid station if I wanted to have a nice dismount and start the marathon. I was able to cool down at the next aid station (thank you volunteers for the ice-cold water bottles!!) and once I got off the bike and took my helmet off, I felt totally fine – still hot, but I was thinking clearly again.” Skye, Sarah and Imo reached T2 within seconds of each other with Dani just 20 seconds back.

Skye T2


Within her first few steps out of the T2 tent, Sarah asserted her position as the nominally strongest runner. Imo was impressed: “Chapeau to Sarah for setting such a brave pace for the run. When I saw you flash past out of T2 I was in awe.” Sarah quickly moved away from Imo and Skye who were running within seconds of each other in the first of four run loops, but Skye was focused on her own race: “We all started very close. My coach told me we weren’t racing the first loop, just eating and drinking, so that’s what I did. I know from prior experience how tough the last 10km of an Ironman marathon are, so I was just trying to set myself up for a strong finish. The heat was concerning, so while I was racing, I was almost more concerned about just making sure I stayed with it all day. I pulled away from Imo pretty early on in the run. She started a bit quicker than I did, but I settled in and caught her about 5km in and then stayed ahead the rest of the race.”

The number of contenders was further diminished when Dani felt the effect of a race week bug. She was already struggling towards the end of the bike and she ended her race after 4k on the run, disappointed after what was intended to be her main summer race.

This also meant that the gap behind the leaders got even larger: After the first loop Amelia was running in fourth place 16 minutes back, Jen followed in fifth another four minutes behind: “I knew I was somewhere around sixth place heading out on the run. It took a good 5km to get into a groove, but my legs and back felt a lot better than I thought they would. Every aid station I put ice down the front and back of my suit, sponges tucked in my neck and water over the head. Stay cool and hydrated was what I kept telling myself. I was not expecting a fast run in the heat, and kept my pace conservative as I was terrified of overheating.”

Everyone was forced to deal with the blazing sunshine and temperatures close to 40°C (more than 100°F), and while the second and third loops of the run didn’t change things dramatically, the positions seemed to solidify: Sarah extended her lead while Skye was putting more and more distance between herself and Imo who was still having a firm grip on third place. Jen had a solid run and was able to overtake Amelia for fourth place: “By halfway, I had moved into fourth and no one had caught me. I wasn’t feeling the heat barely at all and my stomach felt great. It was still a long way to go, I knew I was in good shape.” At the start of the fourth loop, the smallest distance between the leading athletes was five minutes between Skye and Imo in second and third.

Skye had some energy left for the fourth loop and was clearly the fastest runner at the end of the race. She was making up ground to Sarah who was starting to struggle with the effects of overheating and probably underfueling. Skye slowly started to eat into Sarah’s lead, but even at 41k (the last split before the finish) the gap had only come down two minutes and she was still more than five minutes behind. “I wasn’t even going to try to run down Sarah because she was probably out of reach for me. I felt confident in my ability to stay strong and smart for the whole marathon, so I focused on running my own race and seeing how the race played out. I had no idea that Sarah was suffering so badly at the end of the run. I saw her briefly at one of the out and backs on the last loop, just barely, so I knew she was still in the race and several minutes ahead, at that. I was settled into second and was preparing for an American 1-2 at Frankfurt, and both of us getting our Kona slots.”

With less than one kilometer to go, Sarah collapsed and had to be taken out of the race. All of a sudden, Skye was in the lead: “When I hit the 1km to go mark I saw the lead cyclist. I thought, ‘that’s weird, they must have let Sarah go early’ (usually they pull off the course at the last minute, right around when the finish carpet starts). I didn’t think much of it, then a few seconds later that same cyclist starts riding with me. I look behind me just to double-check and see that it said ‘1st Female’ on the bike. The man riding said to me, ‘Congratulations, Skye. This is your race now. You’re in the lead. Sarah isn’t going to make it to the finish.’ In disbelief, I responded ‘ARE YOU SERIOUS?!’ and he kindly responded ‘Yes! Enjoy this moment. Congratulations!’ At that point I was totally shocked – I had no time to even process that I was about to win one of the biggest Ironman events in our sport. I immediately thought ‘I have to get to that line first!’ because at that point, I didn’t know if there were any big movers behind me, and I’ve been passed in the final 1km of an Ironman before. I still had no idea what happened to Sarah. I think I even asked the lead cyclist what happened to Sarah, but he didn’t have much of an answer.”

Skye’s tenacious work all day was rewarded with the win at the 2019 European Championships.

Skye Win

Imo also had to work hard and she was losing more time to Skye and was even running a bit slower than Sarah during the fourth run loop. But she had things under control and was elated to finish in second place. “They said it wasn’t a PB day but that’s a PB for me and officially an ‘Ironman’. Beginner’s luck got a 2nd place for me at Ironman Frankfurt European Championship and Kona bound.”

Third place went to Jen who was very happy with her solid heat marathon. “By the time I was halfway through my last lap, I had lost all hopes of making the podium. I had no idea how far ahead first and second were, but I had a feeling they were out of reach. It was a HUGE surprise that the third-place biker jumped out at me in the last kilometer, informing me that I was now in third! Unfortunately Sarah had collapsed with less than a km to go. I was devastated for her, but excited for myself. This was not the way I wanted to make it to the podium, but it was how it worked out this day. Third place at the European Champs felt amazing, but unfortunately was one spot out of Kona Qualifying. The fact that I performed well in the heat was enough to make me extremely happy with my race. I now have the confidence to race in super-hot conditions, and I know I could have pushed a little harder. Now it’s crunch time to Ironman Canada to get that Kona spot!”


At the awards ceremony on Monday after the race, Skye Moench and Imo Simmonds accepted their Kona slots. One month after Frankfurt, Skye was able to take her first 70.3 win at Boulder in early August, while Imo has taken a break before starting her build for the big autumn races.

Most of the other athletes mentioned in this post are also able to race at the World Championships: Daniela Bleymehl had already qualified in 2018 by winning IM Italy. Jen Annett raced IM Canada four weeks after Frankfurt and got her Kona slot by finishing second. Even though Kimberley Morrison was once again overtaken in the finish chute, she got her slot at IM Tallinn with a third place. Sarah True managed to get the very last slot for Kona 2019 by finishing second at IM Mont Tremblant in mid-August.

It’ll be interesting to see how these women are going to perform in Kona.

Photo Credits: All photos by Ingo Kutsche (@ingo_kutsche_photo), used with permission.

There’s going to be a lot more information about Kona and the Kona Pro field in my “Kona 2019 Rating Report” that you can already pre-order here.

Ironman Germany 2019 – Analyzing Results

IMGermanyLogoUpdate July 2nd: Updated the marathon times (the originally posted times were a bit slow, in all likelihood they included T2). Also added descriptions on how the race developed for the main athletes.

Course Conditions

The heat made the conditions on Frankfurt very tough this year. It was a non-wetsuit swim, a slightly longer-than-normal bike (185k as the bike course had to be re-routed again) and then a very slow run. All-in-all this year’s race was 16 minutes slower than last year and about 25 minutes slower than the faster years in Frankfurt.

Kona Qualifying

The “Big Three” German athletes validated their Automatic Qualifier slots at their “home” Ironman. Jan Frodeno and Sebastian Kienle also finished at the front of the race, while Patrick Lange had a less than stellar day (flat and stomach issues) to finish in 11th place.

As a Regional Championship, Frankfurt was offering a total of 6 Kona slots. Because of the much larger men’s field, there were 4 slots for the men and 2 slots for the women. These slots were claimed by:

  • Franz Löschke
  • Tobias Drachler
  • Philipp Koutny
  • Matt Russell

and on the female side by

  • Skye Moench
  • Imogen Simmonds.

Male Race Results

As was pretty much expected before the race, Jan Frodeno stepped on the gas as soon as the gun went off. Only Dylan McNeice was able to follow him on the swim, both were able to build a gap of almost two minutes to the big first chase group. On the bike he continued to keep the pace up, even overcooking a turn when he was a bit too fast going in, a motorbike blocked his first way out so he had to bunny-hop a traffic island and had to go off-road for a short bit – creating a moment of excitement but luckily no lasting impact on the race. Towards the end of the bike Sebi was able to bridge up to him, but they started the run more than ten minutes clear of the rest of the field. Once again Jan proved to be the strongest runner in the field with a 2:43 marathon in the Frankfurt heat. He defended last year’s title in style and continues to be undefeated in any race he started since Kona 2017.


Second place went to Sebastian Kienle who also had a great race. His day started well when he was able to hold on to the first swim group – he just lost 2:10 to Frodo and was just 16 seconds behind Patrick. A similar swim in Kona would seriously change the race dynamics for him. But things didn’t proceed quite as smoothly for him: He stepped into a shard of glass that got stuck in his right heel. At the end of T1 he briefly stopped to try to remove it, but he was unsuccessful before starting the bike:

Sebi T1

Once on the bike, the shard did not impact Sebi’s bike and he was able to quickly move through the group and put time into everyone else except Frodo. At the end of the first of two bike loops, he was still two minutes behind Frodo, but was four minutes ahead of the next chasers and six minutes ahead of the big group that included Patrick Lange and most of the athletes looking for a Kona slot. In the second bike loop his rear wheel lost some air but riding gingerly around the corners he was able to continue and even close the gap to Frodo when they got back to Frankfurt.

Sebi had alerted his time to the issue with his heel (word was “a cut in the heel” and he was bleeding quite a bit), so medical support was standing by when he and Frodo got into T2. He said that running through T2 was very painful and he wouldn’t have been able to run the marathon. But the medical team dug out the shard, shown on the live coverage in all the gory details. Once the shard was out and the cut closed with closure strips (basically sterile duck tape), he was able to run and the adrenaline kept him from feeling much on the marathon. (The day after was apparently a different story.) Before running out of T2, Frodo checked on him to make sure he’d be okay and started the run 30 seconds ahead of Sebi. Once Sebi started to find his rhythm on the run, he was able to close the gap and they were running side by side for a bit. But soon Frodo started to feel better and moved away from Sebi again after the half-marathon mark. Sebi was skeptical before the race because his Achilles issues kept him from running most of the winter, but he ran a pretty even 2:47 marathon and took second place.

Third place went to Franz Loeschke. He was riding with the big bike group and started the run in ninth place after taking a few extra seconds to stretch out his back with his black roll. The third best overall marathon was by far the fastest of “the rest of the field”, and he was able to enjoy the celebration on the Römerberg before claiming the final podium spot and a Kona slot.


Photo Credits: Ingo Kutsche; Sebi in T1 taken off the live stream

Kona champion Patrick Lange didn’t have a good day. He lost a good amount of time on the first loop of the bike, then had a flat at the start of the second loop that he had to fix right at the point where the most spectators (and photographers) were following the race. After that he wasn’t able to get back into the race, but he still finished to validate his Kona slot, apparently also struggling with stomach issues.

Rank Name Nation Swim Bike Run Time Diff to exp. Prize Money
1 Jan Frodeno GER 00:47:12 04:20:14 02:43:57 07:56:02 -21:55 US$ 30,000
2 Sebastian Kienle GER 00:49:22 04:17:36 02:47:27 08:00:01 -18:32 US$ 15,000
3 Franz Loeschke GER 00:49:06 04:35:19 02:48:15 08:17:24 -17:51 US$ 8,000
4 Tobias Drachler GER 00:49:10 04:35:13 02:54:53 08:23:57 -33:48 US$ 6,500
5 Philipp Koutny SUI 00:49:12 04:28:20 03:02:41 08:24:56 -24:16 US$ 5,000
6 Matthew Russell USA 00:54:28 04:30:07 02:56:45 08:26:32 -15:05 US$ 3,500
7 Patrick Dirksmeier GER 00:49:08 04:39:05 02:56:22 08:29:21 -10:13 US$ 2,500
8 Bas Diederen NED 00:49:11 04:34:57 03:05:39 08:34:59 -14:34 US$ 2,000
9 Roman Deisenhofer GER 00:53:17 04:34:21 03:10:26 08:43:22 -16:57 US$ 1,500
10 Marc Duelsen GER 00:54:21 04:33:18 03:11:41 08:44:43 -00:25 US$ 1,000
11 Patrick Lange GER 00:49:06 04:48:14 03:02:59 08:47:49 30:32
12 Sam Proctor GBR 00:49:16 04:47:18 03:12:00 08:54:10 13:56
13 Benjamin Dicke GER 01:01:45 04:44:54 03:09:04 09:01:30 n/a
14 Andrej Vistica CRO 00:59:41 04:47:18 03:10:03 09:02:23 11:04
15 Dylan McNeice NZL 00:47:12 04:36:51 03:34:10 09:03:13 05:02
16 Kristian Hindkjaer DEN 00:49:22 04:35:40 03:32:26 09:03:42 -12:51
17 Christian Haupt GER 00:57:09 04:53:02 03:09:02 09:04:44 11:27
18 Gregory Close USA 00:59:43 04:52:45 03:17:52 09:16:54 09:52
19 Lucas Amirault FRA 00:49:20 04:51:21 03:33:10 09:19:17 04:10
20 Sergio Bolado Noriega ESP 01:00:14 05:08:34 03:21:49 09:37:15 n/a
21 Marcus Hultgren SWE 00:59:51 04:55:09 03:36:31 09:37:39 -01:17
22 Nacho Villarruel ESP 00:54:24 05:28:14 03:14:48 09:44:09 n/a
23 Patrick Feil GER 01:01:02 05:10:27 03:43:05 09:59:47 n/a
24 Sebastian Guhr GER 01:09:09 05:04:11 03:44:25 10:06:07 16:18
25 Peter Kotland CZE 01:02:05 05:19:32 03:55:35 10:25:28 22:37
26 Lukas Polan CZE 01:04:14 05:50:26 04:01:54 11:05:03 59:02
Joe Skipper GBR 00:54:29 04:24:28 DNF
Antony Costes FRA 00:49:15 04:34:22 DNF
Christian Kramer GER 00:49:07 04:35:07 DNF
Paul Schuster GER 00:49:07 04:35:18 DNF
Daniel Besse SUI 00:49:17 04:56:34 DNF
Trevor Delsaut FRA 00:54:27 04:56:55 DNF
Jean-Claude Besse SUI 00:54:18 05:09:07 DNF
Victor Arroyo Bugallo ESP 00:59:40 05:05:50 DNF
Anthony Adam FRA 01:00:00 05:17:45 DNF
Philipp Mock GER 00:59:45 05:18:28 DNF
Steeve Brugiere FRA 01:10:34 05:29:42 DNF
David Hanko HUN 00:49:03 DNF
Per Van Vlerken GER 00:52:16 DNF
David Plese SLO 00:54:22 DNF
Jose Estrangeiro POR 00:54:25 DNF
Marek Nemcik SVK 01:16:53 DNF

Female Race Results

The female race also saw the expected T1 leader when Sarah True had the best swim. But she still had two athletes right behind her: The Iron-rookies Imogen Simmonds and Amelia Watkinson were able to hold on to her feet. After T1 it was Imo who took the lead, quickly building a gap that was pretty stable for most of the bike. She received a lot of TV time and was enjoying to be in front even without knowing what to expect on the run.


In the last hour of the bike ride things were getting close: Daniela Bleymehl had moved into second place and was making up time to the front. However, Sarah True was able to ride with Dani when she was overtaken by her, and Skye Moench was also able to hold on to that little group. After posting the fastest bike split, Skye was the first into T2, but Sarah and Imo were just seconds back and Daniela also in view of the others. On a good day, Dani should have been able to create a lead on the bike, and she soon retired on the run, citing a stomach bug she had been dealing with in the last days before the race.

The fastest runner was Sarah True – she was able to quickly build a solid lead running roughly a 3-hour marathon pace. The race seemed to have settled down at 35k with Sarah more than seven minutes ahead of Skye who was also seven minutes ahead of Imo in third. But then Sarah started to struggle with the heat and unable to deal with dehydration and low blood sugar. After a few k of jogging, stopping and walking that were painful to watch, she collapsed just 800 meters before the finish line at the last aid station and was carried off the course by medical personnel – almost fighting them because her mind was only focused on reaching the finish line.

When Skye passed the aid station she was unaware of what had happened, and the lead biker had to fill her in on why he was now riding with her. Just a few minutes later, Skye Moench won her first Ironman race – with the fastest bike and also the fastest marathon of the day in the female Pro race.


Second place went to Iron-rookie Imogen Simmonds. Jen Annett was surprised when the third-place bike rider joined her for the last k of the run, she took third but just missed out a Kona slot – disappointed with her bike but happy to have run a solid marathon even in the relentless  Frankfurt heat that continued to build as the day progressed.


After receiving medical attention, Sarah True quickly bounced back and was able to tell the press later in the day of what happened to her. She also attended the awards ceremony the day after and received a long standing ovation for pushing so hard on race day.

Photo Credits: Ingo Kutsche

Rank Name Nation Swim Bike Run Time Diff to exp. Prize Money
1 Skye Moench USA 00:57:32 04:58:39 03:14:01 09:15:31 -31:34 US$ 30,000
2 Imogen Simmonds SUI 00:52:42 05:03:30 03:24:38 09:26:01 n/a US$ 15,000
3 Jen Annett CAN 00:59:26 05:12:28 03:19:07 09:36:25 -03:45 US$ 8,000
4 Amelia Watkinson NZL 00:52:41 05:14:49 03:36:11 09:49:32 n/a US$ 6,500
5 Saleta Castro Nogueira ESP 00:57:58 05:26:31 03:39:12 10:10:01 07:05 US$ 5,000
6 Petra Eggenschwiler SUI 01:18:26 05:17:26 03:29:03 10:14:11 n/a US$ 3,500
7 Anne Basso FRA 00:58:00 05:44:18 03:36:35 10:28:31 02:02 US$ 2,500
Sarah True USA 00:52:40 05:03:42 DNF
Daniela Bleymehl GER 00:57:48 04:59:00 DNF
Sarah Lewis GBR 00:58:03 05:24:25 DNF
Kimberley Morrison GBR 00:57:37 06:42:29 DNF

Ironman Germany 2019 – How the Race Might Unfold

With the deep fields in Frankfurt and a lot of Kona slots on the line, it’s interesting to speculate on how the race might unfold and what to look for on race day. These projections are solely based on the previous results and “nominal times” by the athletes, of course race tactics (groups forming, someone taking a risk by going a bit harder, etc.) will also have an influence, especially when athletes are close to each other.

You’ll be able to follow the race on German TV (on hr3 with German commentary by Dirk Froberg and Ralf Scholt, it’ll also be streamed on and trough the Ironman coverage on Facebook (with English language commentary).

“The Big Three”

The main focus in Frankfurt will be on “The Big Three” – the Kona winners of the last five years: Jan Frodeno, Patrick Lange and Sebastian Kienle. As you can see from the seedings, these athletes are probably a good step ahead of the other athletes. Here’s a graphical view of where they are expected to be in relation to each other and also in relation to a couple of other athletes:

(The other athletes listed are the already qualified Joe Skipper and David Plese, and the expected leaders of the race for the Kona slots.)

Here are a few comments:

  • Frodo, Patrick and Sebi are expected to end up about 15 minutes ahead of the rest of the field. After the swim there will still be a few athletes around, but probably towards the end of the first bike loop they will have separated from the rest of the field, and the gap will continue to grow on the run.
  • The gap between the three Germans is relatively small. The graph shows the “nominal times”, but race tactics will also play a big role in how the race will unfold.
  • Because Sebi is the slowest swimmer (likely to be about three to four minutes behind in T1), the first part of his bike leg will be focused on closing the gap to the lead of the race. Sebi has stated that he’ll be happy to finish in second place (meaning that he wants to beat either Jan or Patrick), so he and Frodo might work together in the second half of the bike to gap Patrick into T2.
  • Frodo is usually the best swimmer. If he has a gap to Patrick coming out of the water, I expect him to work hard at the start of the bike and not allow Patrick to ride up to him. Once Sebi catches up to him, I wouldn’t be surprised to see them put in the work to extend the lead over Patrick.
  • In last year’s race, Patrick was able to swim with Frodo and the two stayed together for almost the whole bike leg. If he manages to do stay close to Frodo and Sebi until T2, that would show he’s also one of the strongest bike riders if needed.
  • On the run, Frodo probably wants to show that he is still the best runner (even after the injury that kept him from racing Kona), while Patrick will be interested to show he can run well in Frankfurt and not “just” in Kona. The expected difference between them is less than a minute, so it’s pretty much impossible to predict what will happen on race day, especially when there is close racing in the marathon.
  • Sebi will be happy to show that he is able to run with the best (and beat at least one of them), but his run form is probably not quite at 100% yet after dealing with injury problems over the winter.

I hope that all of them have had some good last weeks of preparation and that all of them will race in great form. I expect a close and fascinating race in Frankfurt.

The Race for the Male Kona Slots

The race is even harder to predict if we take away “The Big 3” and the other already qualified athletes and put a focus on the race for the four male Pro Kona slots:

There’s a lot of crowding and a lot of changes during the race, here are just a few highlights of what to look for during the race:

  • The two athletes with the best chances for a Kona slot are Franz Loeschke and Emilio Aguayo Munoz, but both of them are still pretty unexperienced on the IM-distance: Franz has done IM Hamburg (where the swim was replaced with a 5k run) and IM Barcelona (missing a win and a Kona slot by 11 seconds) in the 2018 season, Emilio has only done IM Lanzarote 2019 (where he finished third). It’s hard to predict what they are going to be able to do in Frankfurt.
  • Two other Kona candidates are Ivan Rana and Matt Russell, both of them will need good runs (under 2:50?) in order to make up the time they are likely to lose on the bike (Ivan) or swim (Matt).
  • There is a group of strong swim/bikers with Patrick Dirksmeier, Antony Costes and Christian Kramer, but they will also need a solid run if they want to snag a slot.
  • There are more than ten athletes with a realistic chance for a slot – I expect around three minutes between the four athletes getting a slot and maybe five or more athletes missing a slot by just a few minutes.

The Female Race

The female field is a lot smaller than the men’s field, and unfortunately there were some injury-related withdrawals (Anne Haug with lower leg issues, Angela Naeth just had surgery for her broken wrist). In addition, some of the athletes that are still on the start list are unlikely to race (Linsey Corbin and Anja Ippach as a backup for Ireland).  The following graph showing how the female race might unfold is based on this “reduced” field:

The smaller number of female Pros results very likely in two Kona Pro slots. I think there is going to be a really interesting race – both for the win and for the Kona slots – with an interesting dynamic and a lot of lead changes:

  • Sarah True is the best swimmer in the female field – and nominally the strongest runner. On paper, she can put more than 15 minutes into the rest of the field and it’s probably okay if she loses a few minutes to the fast bikers. However, Sarah has shown in Kona that she is also able to bike more aggressively and still run well. But of course her main focus will be on securing a Kona slot after her recent DNF at IM Cairns.
  • There are two athletes that I expect to ride to the front of the race on the bike: Daniela Bleymehl and Kim Morrison have similar swim and bike capabilities (less than a minute apart in each of the legs) and might even form a mini “lead group” when Daniela steps up her games as she’s hinted at last year and in the first part of the season. They should be able to make up their deficit of around four minutes to Sarah in the first loop of the bike. Things should shuffle around a bit on the run, and it’ll be interesting to see who is able to improve on previous run times. I expect the order of athletes to settle in the second of four run loops but we’ve seen some late explosions in Frankfurt so the race will be interesting until the finish line.
  • Another athlete that should have a strong bike leg is Jen Annett, and the best bike leg will be posted either by her, Daniela or Kim. Jen’s swim will determine if she is has a chance to make her way to the front, nominally she should be four to five minutes behind Daniela and Kim in T1. On the run, she might close the gap to Kim and grab the last spot on the podium – and probably Kona slot as well.
  • Among the other athletes, Skye Moench is not going to be too far behind the Top 3, on a good day she might be able to put herself in contention for a Kona slot. Skye was seventh last year in Frankfurt but has already shown a solid improvement with her sub-9 finish in Arizona last November.
  • Lenny Ramsey and Saleta Castro are two of the strongest runners in the field, both are able to run just over 3 hours in Frankfurt. But they are probably going to fall back too far on the bike – unless they manage to improve their bike leg over previous races and ride under 5 hours.
  • Then there are also a number of interesting “Iron Rookies” that have done well in 70.3 racing: Sarah Lewis (most recently a third place at 70.3 Dubai in February, only behind Holly Lawrence and Anne Haug), Amelia Watkinson (lots of 70.3 wins in 2016 and 2017 before dealing with an injury that she seems fully recovered from) or Imogen Simmonds (sixth at 70.3 Worlds 2018 and winner of 70.3 Luxembourg in June with a gap of seven minutes). Based on their 70.3 results, all of them have the potential for a finish somewhere around 9:10 and could be in the run for a podium finish and a likely Kona slot.

Hopefully the nuances of the racing are going to be picked up in the live coverage of the race. I’m looking forward to an awesome day of fascinating racing!

Ironman Germany 2019 (June 30th) – Seedings


  • June 28th: Crossed out some more withdrawals after the Pro Meeting (Ivan Rana, Emilio Aguayo, Thiago Vinhal)
  • June 27th: Crossed out a few non-starters (Michael Raelert, Linsey Corbin, Anja Ippach)
  • June 22nd: Updated the bike and overall times since the bike course is going to be 185k again this year.
  • June 17th: Angela Naeth has had surgery for her broken wrist and will need some more time for recovery.
  • June 14th: Anne Haug has announced that an injury hasn’t healed in time for a start in Frankfurt. I have crossed her out and also Chris Leiferman and Johann Ackermann who are dealing with long term issues.

Previous Winners

Year Male Winner Time Female Winner Time
2005 Normann Stadler (GER) 08:20:50 Lisa Bentley (CAN) 09:15:31
2006 Cameron Brown (NZL) 08:13:40 Andrea Steinbecher (GER) 09:16:17
2007 Timo Bracht (GER) 08:09:15 Nicole Leder (GER) 09:04:11
2008 Chris McCormack (AUS) 07:59:55 Chrissie Wellington (GBR) 08:51:24
2009 Timo Bracht (GER) 07:59:15 Sandra Wallenhorst (GER) 08:58:08
2010 Andreas Raelert (GER) 08:05:15 Sandra Wallenhorst (GER) 09:04:27
2011 Faris Al-Sultan (GER) 08:13:50 Caroline Steffen (SUI) 09:12:13
2012 Marino Vanhoenacker (BEL) 08:03:31 Caroline Steffen (SUI) 08:52:33
2013 Eneko Llanos (ESP) 07:59:58 Camilla Pedersen (DEN) 08:56:01
2014 Sebastian Kienle (GER) 07:55:14 Corinne Abraham (GBR) 08:52:40
2015 Jan Frodeno (GER) 07:49:48 Daniela Ryf (SUI) 08:51:00
2016 Sebastian Kienle (GER) 07:52:43 Melissa Hauschildt (AUS) 09:01:17
2017 Sebastian Kienle (GER) 07:41:42 Sarah Crowley (AUS) 08:47:58
2018 Jan Frodeno (GER) 08:00:58 Daniela Ryf (SUI) 08:38:44

Last Race’s TOP 3

The full results analysis from last year’s race can be found here.

Male Race Results

Rank Name Nation Swim Bike Run Time
1 Jan Frodeno GER 00:48:42 04:28:36 02:39:06 08:00:58
2 Patrik Nilsson SWE 00:48:46 04:28:45 02:46:02 08:08:15
3 Patrick Lange GER 00:48:43 04:29:01 02:47:15 08:09:26

Female Race Results

Rank Name Nation Swim Bike Run Time
1 Daniela Ryf SUI 00:53:11 04:40:55 02:58:53 08:38:44
2 Sarah True USA 00:53:09 05:10:56 02:54:58 09:05:19
3 Sarah Crowley AUS 00:55:35 05:05:37 03:04:36 09:11:31

Course Records

Leg Gender Record Athlete Date
Total overall 07:49:48 Jan Frodeno 2015-07-05
Swim overall 00:42:17 Jan Sibbersen 2004-07-12
Bike overall 04:08:43 Jan Frodeno 2015-07-05
Run overall 02:39:06 Jan Frodeno 2018-07-08
Total female 08:38:44 Daniela Ryf 2018-07-08
Swim female 00:45:04 Amanda Stevens 2012-07-08
Bike female 04:40:55 Daniela Ryf 2018-07-08
Run female 02:54:58 Sarah True 2018-07-08

Course Rating

The Course Rating for IM Germany is 14:27.

Race Adjustments for IM Germany

Year Adjustment Swim Adj. Bike Adj. Run Adj. # of Finishers Rating Swim Rating Bike Rating Run Rating
2005 06:40 01:34 08:48 -03:42 21 06:40 01:34 08:48 -03:42
2006 14:02 n/a n/a n/a 21 10:21 01:57 10:45 -02:21
2007 27:36 02:33 17:51 07:12 35 16:06 01:57 12:46 01:23
2008 30:17 05:44 15:07 09:26 21 of 28 19:39 03:06 12:54 03:39
2009 22:49 03:51 17:29 01:29 19 of 25 20:17 03:16 13:58 03:03
2010 11:32 01:41 07:43 02:08 30 18:49 02:59 12:52 02:58
2011 10:37 02:08 07:19 01:10 41 17:39 02:52 12:03 02:44
2012 12:23 04:27 06:03 01:53 37 16:59 03:06 11:15 02:39
2013 18:02 02:53 10:59 04:10 69 17:06 03:04 11:12 02:50
2014 14:11 02:01 12:36 -00:26 39 of 56 16:49 02:57 11:23 02:29
2015 05:18 00:05 08:43 -03:30 32 of 44 15:46 02:41 11:10 01:56
2016 12:03 -01:49 09:46 04:07 44 of 61 15:27 02:17 11:03 02:08
2017 18:39 -00:26 17:32 01:33 49 of 68 15:14 02:00 11:20 01:55
2018 02:20 -02:04 01:20 03:05 25 of 34 14:27 01:56 10:17 02:15

Kona slots and Prize Money

IM Germany has 2m+2f +2u Pro Kona slot(s). It has a total prize purse of 150.000 US$, paying 10 deep. Both unassigned slots will likely go to the male Pros.

Male Race Participants

The strength of the field is 63% of a typical Kona field. For a description on how the race might unfold, check out this post.

# Bib Name Nat Expected Rating ESwim EBike ET2 ERun Consistency Overall
1 3 Sebastian Kienle (AQ) GER 07:57:37 08:10:23 00:48:27 04:17:11 05:10:38 02:46:59 78% +0% -22% (17) 4
2 2 Jan Frodeno (AQ) GER 07:58:11 08:01:09 00:45:01 04:26:03 05:16:05 02:42:06 69% +14% -17% (10) 2
3 1 Patrick Lange (AQ) GER 08:00:33 07:56:14 00:45:40 04:26:45 05:17:25 02:43:08 100% +0% -0% (4) 1
4 4 Joe Skipper (KQ) GBR 08:14:09 08:19:28 00:50:06 04:31:52 05:26:58 02:47:11 67% +7% -25% (24) 14
5 8 Franz Loeschke GER 08:19:01 08:36:57 00:46:57 04:38:22 05:30:20 02:48:41 n/a (1 IM Pro race) (69)
6 45 David Plese (KQ) * SLO 08:19:50 08:25:15 00:50:18 04:32:38 05:27:56 02:51:54 89% +4% -7% (29) 32
7 14 Emilio Aguayo Munoz ESP 08:20:18 08:38:32 00:47:10 04:30:51 05:23:02 02:57:16 n/a (1 IM Pro race) (76)
8 9 Ivan Rana * ESP 08:20:59 08:32:25 00:46:23 04:41:24 05:32:47 02:48:12 66% +1% -33% (19) 54
9 51 Matthew Russell * USA 08:21:25 08:27:52 00:52:45 04:32:24 05:30:10 02:51:15 49% +26% -25% (49) 41
10 25 Patrick Dirksmeier GER 08:22:47 08:41:04 00:47:17 04:34:00 05:26:16 02:56:31 n/a (1 IM Pro race) (85)
11 48 Sam Proctor GBR 08:22:57 08:41:03 00:48:24 04:39:51 05:33:15 02:49:42 n/a (1 IM Pro race) (85)
12 39 Christian Kramer GER 08:23:25 08:33:36 00:46:46 04:33:59 05:25:45 02:57:40 63% +24% -13% (24) 56
13 27 Marc Duelsen * GER 08:24:34 08:36:01 00:49:30 04:36:52 05:31:22 02:53:12 72% +0% -28% (13) 63
14 37 Kirill Kotshegarov EST 08:24:55 08:37:10 00:52:11 04:34:21 05:31:32 02:53:23 46% +29% -25% (17) (71)
15 5 Bas Diederen * NED 08:25:19 08:35:35 00:46:37 04:36:53 05:28:30 02:56:49 51% +3% -46% (22) 62
16 11 Antony Costes * FRA 08:25:45 08:44:19 00:46:50 04:33:09 05:24:58 03:00:47 31% +36% -33% (11) 93
17 38 Philipp Koutny SUI 08:25:46 08:35:30 00:48:28 04:34:10 05:27:39 02:58:07 41% +25% -34% (12) 61
18 52 Paul Schuster GER 08:29:19 08:47:55 00:47:33 04:35:07 05:27:41 03:01:38 n/a (1 IM Pro race) (105)
19 50 Michael Ruenz * GER 08:31:42 08:51:39 00:52:53 04:42:20 05:40:13 02:51:29 39% +12% -49% (17) 117
20 56 Andrej Vistica CRO 08:32:53 08:36:36 00:53:16 04:42:08 05:40:24 02:52:29 94% +0% -6% (18) 66
21 33 Christian Haupt GER 08:35:28 08:54:13 00:51:11 04:40:21 05:36:32 02:58:56 n/a (1 IM Pro race) (131)
22 55 Thiago Vinhal BRA 08:35:31 08:41:45 00:47:34 04:49:28 05:42:02 02:53:29 63% +20% -17% (18) 85
23 10 Per Van Vlerken GER 08:36:01 08:44:12 00:47:42 04:41:03 05:33:45 03:02:16 68% +4% -28% (28) 92
24 41 Dylan McNeice NZL 08:36:31 08:43:27 00:44:43 04:42:44 05:32:27 03:04:04 37% +30% -32% (20) 90
25 23 Trevor Delsaut * FRA 08:37:18 08:59:34 00:50:35 04:46:35 05:42:10 02:55:08 20% +11% -69% (31) (143)
26 58 Roman Deisenhofer GER 08:38:26 08:56:42 00:50:14 04:38:11 05:33:25 03:05:01 35% +34% -31% (10) (137)
27 26 Tobias Drachler GER 08:41:02 08:59:58 00:46:58 04:44:34 05:36:32 03:04:30 n/a (1 IM Pro race) (148)
28 22 Gregory Close USA 08:42:11 09:13:31 00:55:09 04:43:05 05:43:14 02:58:57 12% +22% -66% (13) (190)
29 49 Fabian Rahn GER 08:42:11 08:51:03 00:57:49 04:45:23 05:48:12 02:53:59 62% +0% -38% (5) 115
30 7 Michael Raelert GER 08:42:29 08:50:31 00:44:49 04:48:06 05:37:55 03:04:34 86% +0% -14% (5) 114
31 16 Victor Arroyo Bugallo ESP 08:44:28 08:59:54 00:54:54 04:50:41 05:50:36 02:53:52 42% +0% -58% (4) 147
32 17 Daniel Besse SUI 08:48:17 09:06:36 00:46:54 04:52:11 05:44:05 03:04:12 48% +52% -0% (2) (169)
33 42 Philipp Mock GER 08:48:36 09:03:40 00:56:45 04:35:37 05:37:21 03:11:15 100% +0% -0% (3) 161
34 28 Jose Estrangeiro POR 08:50:05 08:58:34 00:47:50 04:52:53 05:45:43 03:04:22 51% +0% -49% (6) 142
35 32 David Hanko * HUN 08:50:10 09:08:10 00:47:11 04:47:28 05:39:40 03:10:30 27% +31% -41% (3) 173
36 15 Lucas Amirault FRA 08:51:36 09:05:20 00:51:15 04:51:40 05:47:54 03:03:42 100% +0% -0% (4) 166
37 34 Kristian Hindkjaer DEN 08:58:12 09:23:48 00:50:56 04:38:58 05:34:55 03:23:17 49% +0% -51% (2) (215)
38 18 Jean-Claude Besse SUI 09:03:40 09:22:25 00:51:31 05:03:10 05:59:40 03:04:00 48% +52% -0% (2) (212)
39 35 Marcus Hultgren SWE 09:10:27 09:28:54 00:55:21 04:55:01 05:55:23 03:15:04 20% +40% -40% (11) 224
40 59 David Jilek * CZE 09:21:57 09:35:06 00:55:50 04:58:18 05:59:08 03:22:49 84% +9% -6% (9) 236
41 31 Sebastian Guhr GER 09:24:45 09:44:53 01:02:42 04:51:56 05:59:38 03:25:07 37% +39% -24% (3) (245)
42 46 Lukas Polan * CZE 09:31:12 09:53:51 00:59:44 05:09:40 06:14:25 03:16:47 50% +13% -36% (17) 249
43 36 Peter Kotland CZE 09:40:01 09:51:45 00:57:11 05:08:26 06:10:37 03:29:24 84% +10% -6% (28) 247
44 53 Kevin Thewes GER 10:30:50 10:53:36 01:07:53 05:22:21 06:35:14 03:55:36 n/a (1 IM Pro race) (266)
45 43 Marek Nemcik * SVK 11:17:33 12:01:00 01:10:05 05:38:58 06:54:03 04:23:30 39% +15% -47% (51) 269
13 Anthony Adam FRA n/a unrated unrated unrated unrated unrated n/a (no IM Pro race) (n/a)
19 Sergio Bolado Noriega ESP n/a unrated unrated unrated unrated unrated n/a (1 IM Pro race) (n/a)
20 Steeve Brugiere FRA n/a unrated unrated unrated unrated unrated n/a (no IM Pro race) (n/a)
24 Benjamin Dicke GER n/a unrated unrated unrated unrated unrated n/a (no IM Pro race) (n/a)
29 Patrick Feil GER n/a unrated unrated unrated unrated unrated n/a (no IM Pro race) (n/a)
30 Romain Garcin * FRA n/a unrated unrated unrated unrated unrated 0% +0% -100% (3) (n/a)
44 Lukas Pietrek GER n/a unrated unrated unrated unrated unrated n/a (no IM Pro race) (n/a)
54 Nacho Villarruel ESP n/a unrated unrated unrated unrated unrated n/a (no IM Pro race) (n/a)
57 Aljoscha Willgosch GER n/a unrated unrated unrated unrated unrated n/a (no IM Pro race) (n/a)

Note: Athletes with a ‘*’ are also registered for another race within 8 days.

Female Race Participants

The strength of the field is 19% of a typical Kona field. For a description on how the race might unfold, check out this post.

# Bib Name Nat Expected Rating ESwim EBike ET2 ERun Consistency Overall
1 117 Sarah True USA 08:56:38 09:08:13 00:49:26 05:07:42 06:02:08 02:54:30 27% +31% -43% (3) (8)
2 111 Linsey Corbin (KQ) * USA 09:08:15 09:14:08 00:55:39 05:04:08 06:04:47 03:03:28 97% +3% -0% (28) 12
3 101 Daniela Bleymehl (KQ) GER 09:08:44 09:18:31 00:54:07 04:56:14 05:55:21 03:13:23 58% +32% -11% (13) 21
4 109 Jen Annett CAN 09:14:19 09:24:32 00:58:51 04:55:42 05:59:33 03:14:46 49% +48% -4% (10) 29
5 113 Kimberley Morrison GBR 09:17:13 09:28:29 00:53:11 04:53:46 05:51:56 03:25:17 100% +0% -0% (3) 40
6 119 Anja Ippach * GER 09:21:44 09:27:35 00:50:57 04:59:30 05:55:27 03:26:17 52% +3% -45% (13) 37
7 105 Skye Moench USA 09:23:57 09:37:44 00:54:03 05:06:13 06:05:16 03:18:41 10% +75% -15% (5) 51
8 114 Lenny Ramsey NED 09:32:56 09:45:51 01:03:16 05:22:00 06:30:16 03:02:40 57% +43% -0% (3) 63
9 108 Saleta Castro Nogueira ESP 09:36:38 09:46:23 00:54:23 05:28:10 06:27:33 03:09:05 71% +24% -5% (18) 65
10 110 Anne Basso * FRA 10:03:23 10:27:17 00:55:34 05:29:53 06:30:27 03:32:56 28% +2% -70% (22) 115
103 Sarah Lewis GBR n/a unrated unrated unrated unrated unrated n/a (no IM Pro race) (n/a)
107 Amelia Watkinson NZL n/a unrated unrated unrated unrated unrated n/a (no IM Pro race) (n/a)
112 Petra Eggenschwiler SUI n/a unrated unrated unrated unrated unrated n/a (no IM Pro race) (n/a)
115 Jade Roberts ZAF n/a unrated unrated unrated unrated unrated n/a (no IM Pro race) (n/a)
116 Imogen Simmonds SUI n/a unrated unrated unrated unrated unrated n/a (no IM Pro race) (n/a)

Note: Athletes with a ‘*’ are also registered for another race within 8 days.

Winning Odds

Male Race Participants

  • Sebastian Kienle: 40% (2-1)
  • Jan Frodeno: 35% (2-1)
  • Patrick Lange: 22% (4-1)

Female Race Participants

  • Sarah True: 41% (1-1)
  • Daniela Bleymehl: 22% (4-1)
  • Anne Haug: 19% (4-1)
  • Linsey Corbin: 10% (10-1)
  • Angela Naeth: 4% (24-1)
  • Jen Annett: 2% (57-1)
  • Skye Moench: 2% (59-1)

Ironman Germany 2019 (June 30th) – Entry List

Kona Slots and Prize Money

IM Germany has 2m+2f +2u Pro Kona slots. It has a total prize purse of 150.000 US$, paying 10 deep.

Male Race Participants

Name Nation
Johann Ackermann GER
Anthony Adam FRA
Emilio Aguayo Munoz ESP
Victor Arroyo Bugallo ESP
Daniel Besse SUI
Jean-Claude Besse SUI
Sergio Bolado Noriega ESP
Steeve Brugiere FRA
Antony Costes FRA
Benjamin Dicke GER
Bas Diederen NED
Tobias Drachler GER
Patrick Feil GER
Romain Garcin FRA
Sebastian Guhr GER
David Hanko HUN
Felix Hentschel GER
Kristian Hindkjaer DEN
Sebastian Kienle (AQ) GER
Kirill Kotshegarov EST
Philipp Koutny SUI
Christian Kramer GER
Patrick Lange (AQ) GER
Chris Leiferman (KQ) USA
Franz Loeschke GER
Dylan McNeice NZL
Philipp Mock GER
Patrik Nilsson (KQ) SWE
David Plese (KQ) SLO
Lukas Polan CZE
Sam Proctor GBR
Michael Raelert GER
Ivan Rana ESP
Boris Stein GER
Nacho Villarruel ESP
Andrej Vistica CRO
Aljoscha Willgosch GER

Female Race Participants

Name Nation
Jen Annett CAN
Daniela Bleymehl (KQ) GER
Petra Eggenschwiler SUI
Sarah Lewis GBR
Skye Moench USA
Kimberley Morrison GBR
Angela Naeth CAN
Lenny Ramsey NED
Jade Roberts ZAF
Imogen Simmonds SUI
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